
Underbrow-on-Grime is a port town on the east coast of Aptis.

A relatively large town with good trade links to Ulsk and Caltran's Roost

Westford Underbrow

Rotchett and Finn

Rotchett and Finn is a merchant class clothing retailer and tailor in Underbrow, run by a pair of gnomes.


Campbell’s is a pawn shop in Underbrow, run by female half-orc called Campbell

Underbrow Mine

Part of the Hartess Family's estate, the mine at Underbrow was abandoned when we found it.

Temple of Lathander (Underbrow)

The Temple of Lathander in Underbrow is built into the cliffs in the north west of the town

Cleft Boulder

The Cleft Boulder is a tavern near the docks in the southern area of Underbrow.

Silver Oak

The Silver Oak is an inn in the northern, more affluent area of Underbrow.